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* inspiring personal stories of triumph and pain
* bare-all nitty gritty truths to enhance your life
* magic that has happened by being open to intuition
* funny stories to make you belly laugh
* natural remedies that work
* life lessons you can't miss

Two Tools for Self Healing
For Many Years I Thought Healing Was Outside of Myself Doctors, medicine, other professionals knew better than me For what my body needed...

I Broke a Bone and How it Could Have Been Avoided
I broke my wrist The bone totally broke And I know it could have been avoided LISTEN TO YOU BODY/INSTINCT ALWAYS It knows everything THE...

Close to Dying, the Number Two, and a Shaman Guide
Have you ever thought, this is it I may be leaving this earth? Recently I thought it's possible Is it my time? I may be dying Twice And...

Should an Empath go on a European River Cruise
We recently traveled on a European Viking River Cruise for 16 days on the Danube and Rhine Rivers From Budapest to Amsterdam The boat...

Why You Only Need Approval from One Person
Have you ever wanted others' approval? Whether it's a big or small decision I did for many years I wanted my parents and my older sis's...

You Can't Always Trust Your Doctor & The Three Things To Do
DOCTORS Are like God Or so I thought until I was around 40 When the information age started to open When I noticed how sick my body felt...

The Five Crucial Actions, when hurricane Lidia was barreling toward our dog, home & 3 stores
The Uber dropped us off in the colorful city of Guanajuato, Mexico from San Miguel de Allende An all day tour was scheduled the next day...

Introducing Yourself like a Movie Star Can Change Your Life
DO YOU SAY THIS I'm a singer I'm a retired cop I'm a teacher and mom I'm a real estate agent I'm a grandmother boooring, waaa waa It's...

Can Anyone be a Psychic Medium
I used to think only certain people had that 'special' power, could be a Psychic/Medium (and then I became one!) Well listen, I didn't...

Larleen's Public Debut for Renee Armand
Larleen doesn't sing in public. But when the incredibly talented singer/song writer Renee Armand, who loves Larleen, asked her to perform...

Becoming a Psychic Medium . Chapter 6 - final chapter . spirits come a knockin'
Never in my wildest dreams did i imagine i would be a Psychic Medium Nor did I know I wanted to be one My life quest has been to learn,...

Becoming a Psychic Medium . Chapter 5 - a foreign country
Never in my wildest dreams did i imagine i would be a Psychic Medium KNEW WHERE I'D LIVE One night when I was thirteen I sat on the porch...
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