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Stray Cat & Sewing Machine Miracle


a few weeks ago a stray kitten plopped herself on our patio and would not leave

she talked alllllll day long

every day

morning and night

oh sure she appreciated food

though what she really wanted was a forever home

attention . loving

she gobbled up the scratches on her back and lovin' more than food

she was insistent that i find her a home

todd's allergic to cats so our home was out of the question

alas, after a few weeks, no luck with finding her a home,

so we were going to take her to the vet to get checked this weekend,

and after that she'd be in a foster home

and then



i have an industrial sewing machine that I used for a previous business, making couture dog collars

we shipped it to mexico along with other furniture when we moved to Puerto Vallarta in 2016

my heart was no longer into it

though i would tinker on it once in awhile

YESTERDAY i remembered a friend's sis who's been interested in a sewing machine

so I asked if she'd like it,

I had the strong urge to gift it to her

and had no idea what it would mean

meanwhile, her story that i didn't know...

she'd been saving for a sewing machine for years

this week, she had an amazing opportunity for her son to go to private school

she felt in her heart that her son needed to go to this school it was the right thing to do

so she sacrificed her own dream of the sewing machine

that she'd been saving for years

and put all of that money toward her son's school

and the next day

i offered to gift her my sewing machine


No wait, it continues...

as i was writing to my friend about giving his sis the sewing machine

i thought about the cat and jokingly asked if he wanted a kitten

even though they already have many animals

he said YES!!!!

this beautiful kitten got her wish

it all happened so fast

so easily

it was quick moments of a thought passing through my mind

that i acted on

*now a son will go to private school

*a mother will make beautiful things on a sewing machine

*and a kitten named Gertrude has a loving forever home 🤍

now THAT makes me happy

Kathleen Naomi, Spiritual Geisha

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Kathleen Naomi


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