Our two greyhounds
Passed on January 20, 2020 & March 5, 2021
Words cannot describe the depth of our love for them
We wanted to do something very special, magical
In their honor
sculpture artist
Puerto Vallarta
We felt drawn to Mae's art
And asked if she could create a vase and incorporate our greyhounds ashes in the clay
She said yes
We chose the style we wanted
Similar to one of her vases
And this is what we discovered after we chose it...
The style was based from a vase found in a tomb in Las Palmas Mexico - not far from Puerto Vallarta
The balls with cotton hanging from the vase were designed by Mae as winches, because winches were also found in Mexican tombs
There're no coincidences - it was a perfect tribute

Asha and Kai's ashes wrapped in a Japanese bag made by my mother and bound with a beautiful rope
Mae was gentle and kind... she sent me videos of the process of unwrapping the ashes and mixing them into the clay

The meaning of this design with our greyhounds' ashes is LIFE
The energy of this vase
brings clarity
connects us to our angels Asha & Kai
brings ancestors past and future
Dear Mae, muchísimas gracias
we are forever grateful
artist . jewelry | paintings
Puerto Vallarta
It's impossible to visit or live in Puerto Vallarta
Without knowing one of the most famous jewelry designers, Cassandra Shaw
Her gorgeous store in Emiliano Zapata
Her love of helping animals in PV
She's also a painter
In June 2021 we attended a charity auction for R.I.S.E. - children's shelter
One of the auction items was a Cassandra Shaw Pet Portrait
Which is interesting because I'd been thinking about a pet portrait by Cassandra
Her paintings are whimsical, fun
And I won her Auction Item - Pet Portrait!
Cassandra based her painting from a photo I had of Asha and Kai
That was taken by a professional pet photographer in Chicago, David Sutton
This is the painting
Right next to my desk
Seen each time I walk up the stairs to our bedroom

This painting of my greyhounds is EVERYTHING
It makes me...
Feel Love
Feel Comfort
It's Asha and Kai reminding me to have fun
Dear Cassandra, your light in creating this painting of my babies
Makes every day a more magical place
I'm forever grateful to have had Asha and Kai in my life
And to these artists for honoring their lives
Check out their art, their talent is brilliant
Kathleen Naomi