What do you do when your puppy, child, a loved one is ill?
(same applies to chaos, fear, hatred in the world)
Feel bad?

One day, Nama my puppy was not feeling well
I worried
Wondered if it was something serious
Should I take her to the doctor
Should I wait
She was a little lethargic
It could be something she ate because she eats everything on the ground
It could be from going to doggie camp the day before and she's tired or sore
She's a little over one year, so she's still very energetic
Though she's also changing
Is it 'the change' and she's just slowing down?
As these thoughts rambled across my mind
I realized that I literally felt sick
I felt sick to my stomach
My head felt fuzzy and pressured
That's normal, that's what I do
If I'm worried about her, that means I care
I had to run an errand
While driving on the Libramiento in Puerto Vallarta
It HIT me like a ton of bricks
Worrying about Nama because she may be ill
Is NOT healthy for me
It's NOT healthy for her either
I've heard this many times through the years
It finally sank in
If I focus on keeping ME healthy and happy
My positive energy will help Nama
So this prompted me to focus on myself
Instead of worrying about Nama
Feeling good
Feeling relaxed
Thinking of things that make me happy
To get myself in a better place
Lo and behold
It felt
I've also realized since this epiphany
That it's something you have to work on each time
Until it becomes a new habit
It's not being selfish to focus on keeping yourself healthy and happy
It's helping everyone around you as well
Especially those who need it most
To be surrounded by your positive energy
What's your story, how do you feel when a loved one is sick?
Or when there's sadness, hatred, fear in the world?
Have you thought about this?
I did take Nama to the vet for a full check up
They didn't find any health issues :)
Kathleen Naomi