I broke my wrist
The bone totally broke
And I know it could have been avoided
It knows everything
I was in Puerto Vallarta playing pickle ball
It was 88 degrees, over 70% humidity
I played two extremely long games in a row
My body was overheated and wanted to take a very long break
But I didn't want to let others down
I repeat
I didn't want to let "others" down
This is the lesson that keeps coming back lately
In a STRONG way
I thought I was done with this lesson
And here it was again - because sometimes lessons come back
PUT YOURSELF FIRST When you follow your body/instinct
Others will be okay because you're taking care of yourself with love
I didn't listen to my body and only took a short break and played two more games in a row
During the fourth game, an overhead was hit to my partner To stay in alignment with him, I quickly back-pedaled
And flew backward
Jamming my left wrist violently into the ground
Damn, I knew immediately that I was in trouble
My body felt distant (I believe to help my brain with what was going on)
The pain was excruciating and my breathing was rapid
I consciously worked on slowing down my breathing
My wrist was protruding outward in a few wrong places
Had I listened to my body,
I would have stopped playing pickle ball after 2 games
And I wouldn't be writing this story
I'm embarrassed and a little mad
It's time to LISTEN
Each moment listen and trust your body/instinct
We drove to Sanmaré, a medical facility nearby
I walked in the door and knew right away that it wasn't right for me
(I've heard great things about others going there,
it just wasn't right for me at that moment)
The energy felt off
Yet, I didn't listen to my instinct
I brushed those thoughts aside and thought
'It'll be okay"
My husband couldn't come in because we had our dog
I couldn't write because I was in major pain and was holding my left arm
So my husband filled out the paperwork outside with our dog
I'm inside by myself, the only patient there
Later two more patients arrived
Finally the doctor came out of his office
Looked directly at me and said
'I'm going to take care of this other couple first, they'll be very quick'
He left his office door open and I could hear them talking
About the lotion for the man's leg
Then about personal things
They finally finished
When the doctor came out again, he looked at the receptionist
She called the other patient's name
The straw that broke the camel's back
I was secretly relieved because I knew I shouldn't be there
And I absolutely know that my angels intervened and created that situation
They intervened because I wasn't trusting my body - AGAIN
I was furious and yelled at the receptionist as I walked out
"I was here first and I'm in a lot of pain"
Walked outside, and told my husband 'let's get the fuck out of here'
We dropped our dog at home
Drove to Medassist Hospital a few minutes away
It's an older hospital, very small
Clean, professional, great doctors
I was taken care of right away
The doctor on staff said I need an x-ray
And that the orthopedic surgeon was still at the hospital
So he would be the one to look at my x-ray and speak to me
Everything about being at Medassist Hospital felt right, easy and smooth
The orthopedic surgeon told me that my bone was totally fractured,
broken (distal radius fracture)
And not aligned
I would need surgery
A titanium plate with screws was necessary so that my bone would heal in alignment
He also said he could schedule the surgery the next afternoon
Easy peasy, professional, it was the right place for me
The surgery was a success and it was the first time I didn't feel
Sick to my stomach from the anesthesia
The surgeon gave me his cell phone number to text him any time for questions
And he responded quickly when I sent questions
He also ensured that the referred physical therapist called him before she started working with me

As long as we're on this earth
We'll have lessons to learn
And relearn
And maybe relearn again
We can either
Listen to them, Grow, Change, Learn
We can break a bone - kathleen naomi
Does Larleen listen to her instinct or does she break bones?
I'm so fuckin' ready to be like Larleen
It's time
Wanna join me?
What about you?
Do you always listen to your instincts
Or do you break a bone or two along the way
Would love to hear about you - CLICK HERE
Be sure to share this information
With anyone who needs to hear this
Journey to the Unique Magical *Sacred You*
xo Kathleen Naomi