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Becoming a Psychic Medium . Chapter 6 - final chapter . spirits come a knockin'

Never in my wildest dreams did i imagine i would be a Psychic Medium

Nor did I know I wanted to be one

My life quest has been to learn, grow, be a better person

Learn to be confident, strong

Be the best me I can be

I had a looong way to go when I was a child

I've always trusted my strong intuition for big decisions

But what about daily life

In the early 2000's I started studying spirituality

Do I have spirit guides?

How do I know for sure?

Can I ask them things?

These are the kinds of questions that inspired me to study spirituality

In 2019 I attended a Kennedy Morgan Psychic Medium class in Puerto Vallarta

With the hope of connecting to my spirit guides

That's when things started happening at a rapid pace


I started meditating every day after the class

On January 20, 2020, my greyhound Kai passed

After that day he was always the first one to come forward in my meditation

Seeing him and knowing his messages

Brought great comfort

Fourteen months later, on March 5, 2021 my other greyhound, Asha passed

When she passed, I lost it

She now joined Kai in my meditations

Only she had to be first

She knew I needed to see her

This was my lifeline

Before Asha passed

She was not well for a year

She was fourteen years and a large dog

Her kidneys were failing, and we did everything we could to make her comfortable

We even gave her an IV three times a week

I woke in the middle of the night two to three times to take her to the bathroom

She had many accidents night and day

I told her to please go when she's ready

That I would be okay, and she would be okay

But she hung on

And I couldn't let her go

When she did finally leave, my spark left with her

The joy, the laughter, the creativity

All gone

This grief was so intense

That I think it/she helped open the door

To spirits coming to me for messages

Because two strong spirits came to me soon after she passed

I already had many guides appearing to me

In my meditations

Now I was opening to another world

Did I want this?

It's nothing I planned or could have imagined, and I was leery about it, hiding

Wondering what to do

Kathleen Naomi . hiding from spirits?

June 20, 2021 - My Husband's Cousin

the day the spirits came a knockin'

Todd's cousin passed a few months after Asha

And on this day, he was the first spirit

To connect with me during meditation

I'd met him only once so I knew what he looked like

I knew it was him, I could see him

And I started writing down what he had to say

What he showed me visually (clairvoyance)

What I felt (clairsentience)

What I knew (claircognizance)

His mother needed to hear messages from him

And I believe he found me to send her messages

Spirits are smart, they know all

July 29, 2021 - A Friend's Husband

The next month a friend's husband passed

He appeared to me in meditation

Only a few days after his passing

I wrote down the many notes he sent

Even knew the song that his wife was singing to him

When he passed

Though I told him I would wait a few weeks

To send her his notes

It was too soon

Usually I don't hear from spirits if I'm not meditating

But in this case, he wouldn't leave me alone

He's a strong personality

After meditation I was at my computer working

And he kept bugging me - telling me to send his wife the messages

So I did

And he was right (of course he was)

She needed to hear from him

A Path Change

I originally started reading and attending spiritual classes to speak to my guides

To see if they were there and how to connect with them

Yes, I absolutely knew about my guides and could connect

Though now, everything's changed

I needed to figure out why

In 2022 I was compelled to enroll in more Psychic Medium courses

And practiced mediumship/psychic connections

To figure out what I'm supposed to do with it

I still didn't think it's something I would 'do'

Something I would offer to the public

And then in January 2023 I knew for sure

I can give others messages they most need to hear

Whether it's about empowering their life

Whether it's about health

Or a loved one they need a message from

Or maybe they need reassurance that there's life after the physical body is gone

I'll be a Psychic Medium Healer

To help others

This is a very unexpected exciting journey

Change is life

Doing what makes you feel alive, excited

Listening to those whispers

When you do this, you are the BEST YOU

And are serving the world

Larleen's first psycho

I mean psychic episode

This is the final chapter

of the How I Became a Psychic Medium Series

Journey to the Unique Magical Sacred You

xo Kathleen Naomi


To the Unique Magical *Sacred You*


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