Never in my wildest dreams did i imagine i would be a Psychic Medium
One night when I was thirteen
I sat on the porch at night with my bestie, my dog
In my small Illinois farm town of 550 people
And looked out at the dark night
The millions of stars
Knowing that there was a whole wide world out there
Waiting for me
It came to me
The knowing
I knew I'd live in these places....
A big city
A foreign country
It was 2001
I was living in San Diego
With my first husband
Working at Nokia as a software engineer part-time
And studying acting
The thought kept entering my mind
It would be amazing to study acting
in New York City at the Meisner school
Neighborhood Playhouse School of the Theatre
My husband was all in
Super supportive
And at the time was being sent to New Jersey for work trips
He asked if they wanted him to live in New Jersey for a few years
So that I could attend the acting school in New York City
He was in New Jersey on a trip when he asked his boss
His boss said yes
However, he said there were two managers that would not allow it
And listen to this
The previous evening, my husband picked up those same two managers
At the New Jersey airport
And they loved my husband
And said, 'sure, you can work in New Jersey for a few years!'
It was meant to be
Listen to those thoughts, nudges
A BIG CITY . September 8, 2001
On September 8, 2001
My husband, me and our two cats moved to New York City
We purchased a condo near the Neighborhood Playhouse
On the upper east side
However the closing took a few months
So my husband's company put us in a temporary condo
On 57th and Broadway
Three days later
Was 9/11
It was shock, sadness, compassion, love of all around
Just three days after 9/11
We started classes at the Neighborhood Playhouse
And every time I heard a siren the next few years
The memory of that day came back

A BIG CITY . Rollercoaster of Emotions
In November, only 2 months later
Without getting into details
I knew that my first marriage was over
At the same time, classes at the Acting School
Were super emotional
Stripping you of you
So that you could be someone else
In the moment
It felt like I was in the movie Fame
On steroids
Acting, Singing, Voice, Alexander Technique
Dancing (in the very same room that Martha Graham used)
Naked people in acting scenes
Cursing everywhere
Classmates doing the infamous Meisner repeating exercises
Screaming, yelling, crying
Stripping away the ego
In the moment
I absolutely LOVED it!
It was one of the happiest times
It was one of the saddest times
After the first year of school
You have to be asked back for the second year
About one fourth of the students are asked back
I had no intention of attending two years
Though after that first year
I wanted it more than anything
And I was accepted into the second year

A BIG CITY . Spirit Introduction
While I was living in Manhattan two things of spiritual significance occurred
I was at Barnes & Noble
Randomly browsing books and selected
'Trust Your Vibes' by Sonia Choquette
She's written several books, is a Psychic and teacher
And the journey of learning spirit began
After I graduated from the Neighborhood Playhouse
We sold our condo near the school
With my two cats, I moved to the upper west side in Manhattan
To a historic building
As soon as we stepped into that apartment
One of my cats hid under the bed
She'd eat if I brought food
She'd use the litter box if I placed her in it
Then she'd immediately hide under the bed
My vet told me she sounded physically fine
I was telling this story in a chiropractor's waiting room
A patient in the room heard the story and told me
To smudge the condo with white sage
I was desperate
Found a store that sold white sage
Smudged the condo
And my cat immediately came out from under the bed
As if nothing happened
I later found out that before I'd moved in
A crazy guy lived there
And did not want to leave
For example, he smeared his feces on the walls
That kind of crazy
Sage smudging is something I've since learned to use regularly
To clear the energy in my house
And I use it almost every day before meditation
has Larleen visited or lived in New York City?
A BIG CITY . Violence
I was never in a fight in my life
Until NYC
Two events happened
It was 2003
Two of my nephews were visiting
We had just arrived at the Statue of Liberty
When we were escorted immediately back to the boat
It was the infamous black-out of New York
And several other states
There was chaos
Traffic was at a standstill
No subway trains, buses, cabs
And we had several miles to walk to the upper west side
At one point a car almost hit us as we crossed a road
I lightly tapped the side
The guy stopped his car
Got out and started crazy yelling at one of my nephews
I told him that I barely hit his car because he almost hit us
The guy then came after me
I yelled back and was trying to act crazier than him
(one of my NY friends told me that that's what he does,
act crazier than the other person and they'll go away)
Then the guy threw me to the cement ground
It didn't work so well for me
Fortunately guys in light blue utility shirts appeared
and held him back
I was hurt, scraped up, my neck hurt
And all I wanted to do was cry
But I was the adult aunt
So I told my nephews that this is crazy NYC
No worries
Everything's fine
And we kept walking
And walking

In 2004
At around 8:30pm
I was walking home on Broadway
On the upper west side
Big sidewalk
Very well lit
Not a lot of people
All of a sudden a big man was staggering straight toward me
With glassy eyes
I moved to the side
He then took his hand
And slapped me as hard as he could on the back of my neck
I went flying to the ground
My hat flew off
Fortunately he didn't continue coming for me
A few months after this last violent incident
I saw a moving truck on my street
And wished it was me
That's when I knew that I was done with NYC
I loved living in this amazing creative place for three years
Loved walking everywhere and catching a subway
But it was time
(One of my neighbors, a native New Yorker who's always lived in Manhattan
told me she had never had anything violent happen to her
reminds me that things happen for a reason)
I moved back to Chicagoland
To be near family
So far three places came true in my life that I knew as a young girl
I knew I'd live in these places....
A big city
A foreign country
This was A BIG CITY, next is overseas! I always thought I'd live in Japan since my mom is Japanese and my family is there. Who knew it'd be Mexico.
it's simple, do you
xo Kathleen Naomi