Have you ever wanted to look like someone else?
I did desperately
in High School
and Some Years After
I was somewhat anorexic in High School
Before it had an official name
When I was in high school i weighed 108 pounds (5'6" tall)
And was obsessed about being thin
I did eat a lot of junk food
And not much real food
Always thinking about my weight
Why did I think I had to be super skinny?
Influence from the outer world
Friends, commercials, magazines, tv
I didn't have confidence in myself
And looked outward for guidance and approval
At the time, late 70's, early 80's - the thinner the better
I also thought that if I looked good
People would like me
Specifically, boys
I would spend an hour to get ready to go out
Maybe even longer
Perfectly curled hair
Perfect makeup
Perfect outfit (I didn't have many, but it had to look good)
Yet I never really thought I looked beautiful
But not really beautiful
Have you had thoughts like this?
Brooke Shields
That's my girl
That's who I wanted to look like in high school
The perfect all-American girl
Long brown hair, blue eyes, full lips
Thick eyebrows
Instead of me
Half Asian . Half Hillbilly
I would bite my upper lip
Hoping that it would puff up and look more like Brooke's lips
Today I can admire/appreciate a pretty girl or handsome man
And not want to look like them
I love the freckles on my face that come out with the sun
My dark hair
Somewhat exotic half asian eyes
Olive skin
Sometimes I think I look pretty
Other times, just okay

I'm not thin and lean as I was most of my life
And do want to lose a few pounds
At the same time I want to enjoy myself
And eat what I want
And eat good food
Mostly I love that we're all unique
All beautiful in our own special way
And realize the intensity of that beauty
ONLY shines from within
One of the current biggest influencer's is Kim Kardashian
I see many Kim's walking around and on social media
Same thick black eyebrows
Same big eyelashes
Same big boobs and butt
I get it
Now as an old-er wiser woman
My eyes are wide open
Of what's important
What's beautiful
In the World
Each of us in our own unique way
Larleen's Kim Tutorial
It's all about love
And that love begins with you
Once you Love you,
All of you,
Nothing can stop you
That's where the magic happens
Imagine a world
Where we all
Our inner and outer beauty
Kathleen Naomi