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Close to Dying, the Number Two, and a Shaman Guide

Have you ever thought, this is it

I may be leaving this earth?

Recently I thought it's possible

Is it my time?

I may be dying


And then a miracle happened each time

Was it real?

I believe it was

Middle of the Night

I had sinus issues for a week

Then I felt well

Until a few days later

In the middle of the night

I woke up and felt very strange

There was pressure on my chest

It was hard to breathe

I felt very 'out of it'

I felt cold

And had never felt this way before

This felt serious

And it felt like the issue was in my lungs

I tried to stay calm

Woke up my husband to be there for me

My dog snuggled up to me with healing licks

And I focused on deep breaths

The feeling was scary

After around 15 minutes

I felt a little better

Could breathe easier

Felt more like myself

(of course there was the possibility of going to the hospital had this issue lasted longer)

I then listened to a Joe Dispenza healing meditation

Once the 30 minute meditation was complete

I felt completely well

Two Weeks Later

We were on a trip to Chicago

I woke up that first morning

And felt the same scary issue

Except this time I felt dizzy, but not cold

Relax, breathe

My husband's presence was calming

After around 15 minutes I felt better

I started the Joe Dispenza healing meditation

Which worked last time

If you've ever listened to a Joe Dispenza meditation

You know that he talks, guides you through most of the meditation

After a few minutes

His voice sounded faint and far away

I could hear the music

But my soul was going somewhere else

And I saw in my mind

An American Indian Shaman

"He was breathtaking - wise, stoic, a bright light, long grey hair, shiny eyes, wrinkled gorgeous brown skin, incredible authentic ornate Indian attire"

He told me to chant

To beat lightly, rhythmically on my body with my hands

Anywhere that needed it

My chest, my head, my throat, my eyebrows

So I chanted, like I imagine the American Indians chanted to heal

And I beat lightly on my body

And when the Joe Dispenza meditation was finished

The shaman healing experience also ended

And my body

Was totally and completely healed

I asked the Indian Shaman his name

He told me to choose a name

And that I was all about humor, so it should be funny

Immediately I thought of "Otawatapatami"

And just saying it made me laugh out loud


An introduction to a healer guide

I believe we all have many guides And I felt honored that this Indian Shaman Healer appeared to me

There are times when I have doubts

Is this all real

The mediumship, this healing

And time after time there's evidential proof

I believe in miracles

And believe it's real

Another Two Weeks Later

Things keep happening every two weeks

Two in the spirit world meaning is:

"Balance, harmony, loving relationships, finding your life path. It's sent by your angels to remind you that you're not alone and that they're sending all the vibrational energy you need to thrive in this beautiful life. Trust in the universe."

Well, at 2am (2!)

I woke up

And saw the air conditioner control on the wall blinking

It blinks if the electricity is out for a few seconds or longer

Which happens often

But this was different

It was blinking erratically

And didn't stop

It crossed my mind that this must be a spirit

Wanting my attention

And I told the spirit "when I say your name, stop blinking"

I said a few names

The erratic blinking did not stop

Then I thought of Otawatapatami, my new Shaman Healer Guide

As soon as I said his name

The blinking flashed super quickly for 2 seconds

Then totally stopped!

The Next Day

I wondered why Otawatapatami wanted my attention

And asked him during my meditation

He said

"to help me learn healing - for me and for others"

And during this meditation

I started chanting again

And lightly rhythmically beating my body

For healing

Though this time

Otawatapatami's energy blended with mine

My voice was no longer my own

My voice became his voice

My movements his movements

I knew I was protected

I knew I was channeling Otawatapatami

That this was a new chapter he was offering

On my spiritual learning journey - channeling

Simply amazing and interesting

What's next?

I look forward to finding out

And that's the story

of Almost Dying, the Number Two, and a Shaman Guide

named Otawatapatami

Has Larleen been close to dying?

Here's her answer, and some thoughts on what it's like on the other side.

Have you had a similar experience?

Would love to hear your story!

For questions, comments, your story

Send me a note,  CLICK HERE  

And be sure to share this information

With anyone who needs to hear this

Journey to the Unique Magical *Sacred You*

xo Kathleen Naomi


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